Author: Karin
Client of the Month: July 2022
James Harding is PJ's client of the month, read why he loves his training schedules.
How to reduce back issues by having the correct posture at work
How long should my warm up last?
Warming up before you exercise is scientifically proven to help your training session as well as reduce injuries
Client of the Month: February 2022
Kelly Bowman, PJ's client of the month, explains why she loves training at PJG
Foam rolling is a self-massage technique and can be very useful to add to your warm-up or cool-down, before and after exercise.
Four clients went on a 5 day/4 night iRefresh Fitness Retreat to Gran Canaria.
Client of the Month: January 2022
Client of the month, Lana, tells us why she likes blazepods so much.
Learn the 3-point hip hinge to master the Deadlift
How to master the 3-point hip hinge is a prerequisite before even attempting a Deadlift!
What are reactive training lights and how they can help keep your brain as fit as you are.
Client of the Month: December 2021
Finding alternative ways to overcome health issues is why Amy Clipsham turned to PJ and is client of the month.
Client of the Month: November 2020
Staying focused is what helped Becci to lose weight and look forward to the future